Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

deathmatch project: to make a fellow classmate famous.

i had a graffiti writer, so i made up a product line of spray paint for artists. the company is SRFCE, a shortened version of surface (because graffiti names are between 4 and 6 letters) often shortened versions of words or made up all together. the logo mimics graffiti lettering.


color theory belly band project: Garde a scented line for young men, that includes candles, incense, incense burner, reed diffuser, a fan(and the band is scented as well so you can circulate the smell in your room), and matches. suppose to be masculine, dark and secretive product line that is affordable but looks expensive.

norman rockwell on acid

design/photographer teams project: combine to things you hate to create a single image
photographer: jessica raney model: emma matia
Hates: bad drivers & scratching of cutlery on plates.

we took the two hates and spun them around to make a crazy surreal sort of shot of this trashy girl eating cherry pie while riding a twist and turn. i did all of the effects to make the model's body look fake and plastic and added in the rug. overall the project turned out really cool, i want to use the image for a greeting card possibly
photographer/designer teams class project: movie poster
my photographer was michel parisay and i did the design stuff

if you have not seen the movie wristcutters you should go check it out! tom waits, Will Arnett, patrick fugit, and Shannyn Sossamon in an afterlife peopled by suicides, a high-desert landscape dotted by old tires, burned-out cars, and abandoned sofas, exactly like life only worse.